Who is my Hero?
My Wonder Woman in Real Life
If my mom has been experiencing all of this, who was there guiding her and acting as her mentor for the role she will be playing? Is it my grandparents? Is it my other relatives? Maybe. Thinking about it now, I do wonder how my mom crossed the threshold, and when was the time she actually got ready to act upon her calling as a mother? I know that along the way, she encountered tests and enemies who maybe judged her for being a mother at such a young age.
A hero is someone who sacrifices their life to save other people. A hero is someone who is willing to take responsibility for doing something for the sake of others. A hero is someone who has supernatural powers. But just like Wonder Woman, have you ever wondered who the real heroes are? Let me share with you who I consider a hero in my own life and how she managed to surpass the 12 stages of the heroic journey.
The word "wonder mom" might be familiar to you because we call it that for all the moms out there who are superheroes. Just like any other kid, a real hero for me is my mom. My mom had her own ordinary world back when she was still studying and had no daughter. I know that she was happy in that world until we came, which I consider to be her call to adventure. I would say that having daughters would be a really big step for soon-to-be mothers, but saying yes to that not-so-exciting but enjoyable adventure is somehow hard on their part. There were times they would wonder if they were really on the right path. And sometimes, mothers would refuse the call of being a real mother for many reasons.
Source: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nicepng.com%2Fpng%2Fdetail%2F36-364306_wondermom-shop-imagen-de-wonder-mom.png&tbnid=DDmF2DldVODlXM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nicepng.com%2Fourpic%2Fu2q8w7q8t4u2u2t4_wondermom-shop-imagen-de-wonder-mom%2F&docid=BMNeNZAfR1uMsM&w=820&h=727&itg=1&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim
Nonetheless, I still admire her for still saying yes in the approach to the inmost cave, or the part where she faces fears and doubts as well. It's not that easy facing different ordeals, especially if you have doubts about yourself, but life gets easier when you are with the right company. After all these battles my mom had been through, the greatest reward she got was having loving, charming, and healthy daughters and sons. No matter how my mom got judged, she stands still and treats us as her sword, where she can get power to fight for every day battle.
When you ask mom if she would still be grateful to have the road back, she always says yes because all of those experiences were worth it after all. Though she had to encounter the resurrection stage and fight her final and most dangerous fight by fighting for us every day, I could guarantee her that she always has us by her side. This could be different from the real heroes, as Mom would not be able to return with the elixir, but I am certain that she is beyond happy to have us, just as we feel about having her as our wonder mom.
Source: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2F44.media.tumblr.com%2Fbcbaa9000a426c5839a19277fc02573a%2Ftumblr_nt5638GOUD1urm7c0o1_r2_1280.gif&tbnid=OCzw8cXYdv56-M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmonogifs.com%2Fpost%2F126772841798%2Fday-41-tests-allies-enemies-the-road-of&docid=4_3xesnd8B0qRM&w=832&h=468&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim
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