
Who is my Hero?

             My Wonder Woman in Real Life A hero is someone who sacrifices their life to save other people. A hero is someone who is willing to take responsibility for doing something for the sake of others. A hero is someone who has supernatural powers. But just like Wonder Woman, have you ever wondered who the real heroes are? Let me share with you who I consider a hero in my own life and how she managed to surpass the 12 stages of the heroic journey. The word "wonder mom" might be familiar to you because we call it that for all the moms out there who are superheroes. Just like any other kid, a real hero for me is my mom. My mom had her own ordinary world back when she was still studying and had no daughter. I know that she was happy in that world until we came, which I consider to be her call to adventure . I would say that having daughters would be a really big step for soon-to-be mothers, but saying yes to that not-so-exciting but enjoyab...

3 Reasons Why You Should Read Theogony by Hesiod

                     3 Reasons Why You Should Read Theogony by Hesiod The Theogony , also known as " the genealogy or birth of the gods ," is a poem by Hesiod (8th–7th century BC) that details the beginnings and ancestries of the Greek gods . It was written c. 730–700 BC . It has 1022 lines and is written in the Epic dialect of the classical Greek language. Hesiod's Theogony is a comprehensive synthesis of a wide range of regional Greek mythologies about the gods . It is structured as a story that explains how the gods came to be and how they came to have permanent control over the cosmos. It is the original Greek legendary cosmogony that is known. Chaos is the beginning condition of the universe; it is a dark, unending emptiness that is thought to be a divine primordial state from whence everything else emerged. Greek mythology's theogonies represent the urge to describe reality as a whole; this universalizing tenden...