3 Reasons Why You Should Read Theogony by Hesiod

                     3 Reasons Why You Should Read Theogony by Hesiod

The Theogony, also known as "the genealogy or birth of the gods," is a poem by Hesiod (8th–7th century BC) that details the beginnings and ancestries of the Greek gods. It was written c. 730–700 BC. It has 1022 lines and is written in the Epic dialect of the classical Greek language. Hesiod's Theogony is a comprehensive synthesis of a wide range of regional Greek mythologies about the gods. It is structured as a story that explains how the gods came to be and how they came to have permanent control over the cosmos. It is the original Greek legendary cosmogony that is known. Chaos is the beginning condition of the universe; it is a dark, unending emptiness that is thought to be a divine primordial state from whence everything else emerged. Greek mythology's theogonies represent the urge to describe reality as a whole; this universalizing tendency was crucial for the initial later projects of speculative theory.

Maybe you are wondering why we should read or even watch the theogony. If you're still having second thoughts, let me give you reasons why.

1. Although it is often used as a sourcebook for Greek mythology, the Theogony is more than that. You can find the records of the generations of the gods, from chaos through Zeus and his contemporaries to the gods who had two divine parents. Knowing from which generation gods and goddesses come is one of the most important pieces of information you should know to avoid misunderstandings. In senior high school, you would probably encounter different gods, which you would be asked about in college to connect with a new lesson. If you were not aware of these goddesses, you are being left behind. And readintheognky is one of a great ways to get yourself familiarize with them. It is also helpful because you will know the history of each god, which will help you develop a better understanding of them. The fullest and most important source of myths about the origin of the gods is the Theogony by Hesiod.
Source: https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/ancient-greek-gods-and-goddesses-set-vector-36688947 

2. It is one of the oldest pieces of Greek literature known. As someone who was not able to live during the Greek era, you would appreciate more the literature that will bring you into their world. We all do love to read and watch movies where it seems like we are really part of it. And since Theogony is one of the oldest literary pieces in Greek, you should feel privileged to have free access to these notable works. You should not take it for granted, but rather make it a legacy to share what this has become or how far it has come. Reading old yet helpful literature can actually benefit anyone and can affect their perspectives in a positive way.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greek_literature 

3. Theogony makes an effort to compile the various ancient Greek stories into a single poetry. We are aware that "Theogony" was developed about at the same time as the Greek alphabet. Hesiod's poetry Theogony collects various ancient Greek tales and describes the creation of the gods. It is significant because it compiles diverse deity accounts while also seeking to explain the universe. Theogony by Hesiod tells the story of the creation of the gods and describes how they organized the universe. The main topic is that the world is harsh and that the universe's early beginnings were violent and chaotic. When new gods are created, the universe becomes more organized, but the gods themselves continue to be violent.
Source: https://www.coursehero.com/lit/Theogony/themes/ 

Now that you already have an idea of why you should read Hesiod's Theogony, why don't you reflect and find the will to start reading? Aren't you convinced enough with these reasons? Then go try to read and see what it got. Enjoy!
